Dr. phil (Austrian PhD) in Philosophy
University of Graz, 10/2006 – 04/2015 (interrupted by civil service and non-academic employments)
Overall Grade: “mit Auszeichnung” = highest possible distinction
Thesis: “Moral Reality and the Empirical Sciences”
Supervisor: Johann C. Marek
MA in Political, Economic and Legal Philosophy
University of Graz / University of New Brunswick, 10/2010 – 10/2012
Overall Grade: “mit Auszeichnung” = highest possible distinction
Thesis: “Is Moral Nihilism a Significant Cause of Climate Change Inaction?”
Supervisor: Lukas H. Meyer
Mag. phil. (Austrian MA) in Philosophy
University of Graz, 10/2002 – 05/2006
Overall Grade: “mit Auszeichnung” = highest possible distinction
Thesis: “Die Logik des Absurden bei Albert Camus” („Albert Camus’ Logic of the Absurd“)
Supervisor: Kurt Salamun