Publishing in Philosophy
Graduate Seminar Department of Advanced Social and International Studies | University of Tokyo, Japan
Basic Needs across Cultures
Philosophy Department Colloquium | National University of Distance Education, Madrid, Spain
Basic Needs across Cultures
Department of Philosophy, Logic, and Philosophy of Science | University of Seville, Spain
Broad, Subjective, Relative: The Surprising Folk Concept of Basic Needs
Conference Transitional, Distributive and Compensatory Justice in Responding to Global Challenges | Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy
Broad, Subjective, Relative: The Surprising Folk Concept of Basic Needs
Workshop The Experimental Philosophy of Wellbeing | University of Tokyo, Japan [ONLINE]
Big Data und Quick Data in der Philosophie
Symposium Smart Regulation 2022 | University of Graz, Austria
Broad, Subjective, Relative: The Surprising Folk Concept of Basic Needs
Department of Philosophy | Chulalongkorn University, Thailand [ONLINE]
Moral Progress, Knowledge and Error: Do People Believe in Moral Objectivity?
Department of History and Philosophy of Science | University of Tokyo, Japan [ONLINE]
Comments on Daniel Petz: Basic Needs versus Central Capabilities: Defining Sufficientarian Thresholds for Intergenerational (Climate) Justice
International Workshop What we Owe the Future: Needs, Capabilities, and Intergenerational Justice | University of Graz, Austria [ONLINE]
Can the Empirical Sciences Contribute to the Moral Objectivism/Non-Objectivism Debate?
Department of History and Philosophy of Science | University of Tokyo, Japan
Broad, Subjective, Relative: The Surprising Folk Concept of Basic Needs
Department of Philosophy | Kyushu University, Japan
Broad, Subjective, Relative: The Surprising Folk Concept of Basic Needs
Seminar Moral Psychology | Hokkaido University, Japan
Broad, Subjective, Relative: The Surprising Folk Concept of Basic Needs
Department of Philosophy | Tohoku University, Japan
Broad, Subjective, Relative: The Surprising Folk Concept of Basic Needs
Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy | University of Tokyo, Japan
The Typicality Effect in Basic Needs
Department of History and Philosophy of Science Colloquium | University of Tokyo, Japan [ONLINE]
The Typicality Effect in Basic Needs
APA Eastern Division Meeting | Baltimore, United States [ONLINE]
Can the Empirical Sciences Contribute to the Moral Realism/Anti-Realism Debate?
Graduate Seminar Philosophical Psychology | Hokkaido University, Japan [ONLINE]
Miller on Needs-Based Justice: A Case-Study in Empirical Political Philosophy
Philosophy Department Colloquium | University of Hannover, Germany [ONLINE]
Moral Progress, Knowledge and Error: Do People Believe in Moral Objectivity?
International Workshop Folk Moral Relativism | University of Graz, Austria [ONLINE]
Some Personal Recommendations for Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Colloquium of the FWF Doctoral Program Climate Change | University of Graz, Austria [ONLINE]
Natural Hazards and Legitimate Expectations
Launch Workshop JUSTDECARB | CICERO, Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics, Institute of State and Law at the Czech Academy of Sciences, University of Graz [ONLINE]
Was brauchen wir wirklich?
Styrian Philosophy Olympics for Highschool Students | Graz, Austria [ONLINE]
Basic Needs in Normative Contexts
International Workshop Human Needs and Intergenerational Justice | Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany [ONLINE]
Klimawandel und Ethik: Wozu sind wir als Individuen verpflichtet?
reTHINK: Das Festival für Nachhaltigkeit | Graz, Austria
Reasoning about Justice
Department of Law and Department of Philosophy | Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Reasoning about Metaethics
Department of Law and Department of Philosophy | Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Reasoning about Normative Ethics
Department of Law and Department of Philosophy | Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
What are Basic Needs? An Empirical Study of Folk Intuitions
Department of Philosophy | Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil
“Wir haben die Kunst, damit wir nicht an der Wahrheit zugrunde gehen”
Styrian Philosophy Olympics for Highschool Students | Graz, Austria
Moral Progress, Knowledge and Error: What are the Folk’s Implicit Commitments about Moral Objectivity?
Department of History and Philosophy of Science | University of Tokyo, Japan
What are Basic Needs? An Empirical Study of Folk Intuitions
8th Nagoya Meta-Philosophy Workshop | Nagoya University, Japan
Moral Progress, Knowledge and Error: What are the Folk’s Implicit Commitments about Moral Objectivity?
CAPE Lecture | Kyoto University, Japan
What are Basic Needs? An Empirical Study of Folk Intuitions
Philosophy Department | Hiroshima University, Japan
Moral Progress, Knowledge and Error: What are the Folk’s Implicit Commitments about Moral Objectivity?
Philosophy Department | Hiroshima University, Japan
Psychologische Forschung zum moralischen Realismus (Discussion preceding a comment by Katharina Kaiser)
Center for Interdisciplinary Research | Bielefeld University, Germany [ONLINE]
Comment on Hanno Sauer: Moralischer Rationalismus: Eine pessimistische Verteidigung
Center for Interdisciplinary Research | Bielefeld University, Germany [ONLINE]
Albert Camus, Moral Psychology and Intergenerational Justice: A Research Overview
Philosophy Department | Nagoya University, Japan
How to Understand Intergenerational Justice? Sufficientarianism and Basic Needs
Intergenerational Justice Workshop | Seoul National University, South Korea
Moral Progress, Knowledge and Error: What are the Folk’s Implicit Commitments about Moral Objectivity?
Philosophy Department Colloquium | Utrecht University, Netherlands
Moral Progress, Knowledge and Error: What are the Folk’s Implicit Commitments about Moral Objectivity?
Philosophy Department Colloquium | University of Groningen, Netherlands
Moral Progress, Knowledge and Error: What are the Folk’s Implicit Commitments about Moral Objectivity?
Philosophy and Ethics Group Colloquium | Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
An Empirical Argument against Moral Non-Cognitivism
International Workshop “Folk Metaethics: Empirical and Philosophical Perspectives” | University of Graz, Austria
Anti-Realist Pluralism: A New Approach to Folk Metaethics
Knobe Lab | Yale University, United States
Anti-Realist Pluralism: A New Approach to Folk Metaethics
Department of Psychology | College of Charleston, United States
Anti-Realist Pluralism: A New Approach to Folk Metaethics
Buffalo Annual Experimental Philosophy Conference | Buffalo, United States
Anti-Realist Pluralism: A New Approach to Folk Metaethics
Greene and Cushman Moral Psychology Labs | Harvard University, United States
Anti-Realist Pluralism: A New Approach to Folk Metaethics
Philosophy Department Work-in-Progress Series | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
Anti-Realist Pluralism: A New Approach to Folk Metaethics
Philosophy Department Work-in-Progress Series | College of Charleston, United States
Anti-Realist Pluralism: A New Approach to Folk Metaethics
Goodwin Lab | University of Pennsylvania, United States
Anti-Realist Pluralism: A New Approach to Folk Metaethics
Concepts and Cognition Lab | Princeton University, United States
Moral Realism, Evolution, and Folk Metaethics
Colloquium | Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognitive Research, Austria
How to Measure Moral Realism
Philosophy Department Work-in-Progress Series | University of British Columbia, Canada
How to Measure Moral Realism
Buffalo Annual Experimental Philosophy Conference | Buffalo, United States
Comment on Madeleine Hayenhjelm: The Moral Problem of Risk Impositions and Climate Change
International Workshop “Responding to an Uncertain Future: Normative Theories of Risk and Climate Change Policy” | University of Graz, Austria
Natural Hazards and the Normative Significance of Expectations in Protecting Alpine Communities (poster presentation, together with Florian Ortner)
International Workshop “Responding to an Uncertain Future: Normative Theories of Risk and Climate Change Policy” | University of Graz, Austria
Intergenerationelle Klimagerechtigkeit und Grundbedürfnisse (Intergenerational Climate Justice and Basic Needs)
Research Group ClimateProtectionLaw | University of Graz, Austria
Natural Hazards and the Normative Significance of Expectations in Protecting Alpine Communities (together with Florian Ortner)
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 | Vienna, Austria
Natural Hazards and the Normative Significance of Expectations in Protecting Alpine Communities (together with Florian Ortner)
Colloquium of the FWF Doctoral Program Climate Change | University of Graz, Austria
Some Guidelines for Measuring Moral Realism
Philosophy Department Colloquium | University of Hong Kong, China
Art in the Face of the Absurd
39th International Wittgenstein Symposium | Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria
Intergenerational Climate Justice and Basic Needs
Special Interdepartmental Seminar of the Department of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies and the Department of Sociology, Political Science and Communication | Open University of Israel, Israel
Can the Empirical Sciences Contribute to the Moral Realism/Anti-Realism Debate?
Philosophy Department Seminar | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Can the Empirical Sciences Contribute to the Moral Realism/Anti-Realism Debate?
Colloquium of the Sydney M. Edelstein Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine | Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
What Difference Does Morality Make (with Regard to Acting against Climate Change)?
Philosophy Department Seminar | Bar-Ilan University, Israel
How to Measure Moral Realism
Experimental Philosophy Colloquium | Institut Jean Nicod (École Normale Supérieure/École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), France
Moral by Nature? On the Difficulty of Determining the Adaptedness of Moral Judgements
Humane Philosophy Project Conference “Humane Philosophy and Human Nature” (University of Oxford/University of Warsaw) | University of Warsaw, Poland
Moral Disagreement, Anti-Realism, and the Worry about Overgeneralization
38th International Wittgenstein Symposium | Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria
The Metaethical Implications of Moral Disagreement
Public Talk | California State University East Bay, United States
Albert Camus’ frühe Logik des Absurden (Albert Camus’ Early Logic of the Absurd)
Public Talk, organized by the Studienvertretung Philosophie Uni Graz | University of Graz, Austria
What if Moral Values Were Projections?
First Graz-Vienna-Bratislava Graduate Workshop | Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
“Gilding and Staining”: Projectivist Arguments against the Reality of Moral Values
Philosophy Talks 7 – Public Talk | Istanbul Şehir University, Turkey
Was können die empirischen Wissenschaften zur Debatte um die Realität moralischer Werte beitragen? (What Can the Empirical Sciences Contribute to the Debate about the Reality of Moral Values?) (poster presentation)
Day of the Humanities | University of Graz, Austria
Evolutionary Moral Anti-Realism
Departmental Graduate Seminar | University of Warwick, Great Britain
How does Moral Nihilism Affect our Taking Action Against Climate Change?
13. International Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas | Nicosia, Cyprus